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Version: 9.6

Service Account API

GET api/v2/dataCollector/serviceAccount/


Get the list of the service accounts. Use * for all organizations and/or sites.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes
orgIdThe ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgNameStringYes
siteIdThe ID of the site. The format is SiteId:SiteNameStringYes

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <SITE-ID> & <API-TOKEN> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/dataCollector/serviceAccount/' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'siteId: <SITE-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>'


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with the following body:

TELNETList of all service accounts with connection type TelnetArray of objects
- refString
- docStatusString
- lastUpdateTimeLast time when the record was updated. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZSting
- lastCMDBUpdateTimeNot in use. Last time the record was pushed to the CMDB. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZString
- cmdbSysIdNot in use. CMDB ID associated with the recordString
- updateLogString
- orgIdOrganization IDString
- siteIdSite IDString
- groupIdGroup IDString
- connectorConnector type nameString
- serviceAccountService account nameString
- credentialList of detailed credentials for the service accountArray of objects
-- usernameUsername used for authentication in the service accountString
-- passwordPassword. It's null in the responseString
-- enablePasswordPassword enable. It's null in the responseString
-- appService account application nameString
-- ownerService account owner, if applicableString
-- sharingString
-- sshkeyService account SSH keyString
-- versionService account protocol versionString
-- securityNameService account security nameString
-- urlAPI connection URL used by the service accountString
-- keyAPI key used by the service accountString
-- snmpCommunityStringService account SNMP community stringString
-- authProtocolService account authentication protocolString
-- authKeyService account authentication key for the protocolString
-- privProtocolService account privilege protocolString
-- privKeyService account authentication key for the privilege protocolString
-- contextService account credentials contextString
-- openStackCredNot in use. Credentials for OpenStack discoveryObject
-- socketLayerSocket layerString
-- portSocket layer portString
-- addInfoDatabase credentials detailsObject
--- ipDatabase server IPString
--- database_nameDatabase nameString
--- fqdnDatabase server FQDNString
-- apiKeyService account API keyString
-- regionsService account Cloud regionsArray of strings
-- accountNameService account nameString
-- tenantIdService account Cloud tenant IDString
-- subscriptionIdService account Cloud subscriptionString
-- locationsArray of strings
-- portsPorts on which the service is runningArray of integers
- urlString
- accountTypeString
- actionThe API action used when creating or editing a service account. It's null in the responseString
SNMPList of all service accounts with connection type SNMP. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
WINDOWSList of all service accounts with connection type WINDOWS. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
SSHList of all service accounts with connection type SSH. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
APIList of all service accounts with connection type API. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
AWS_CLOUDWATCHList of all service accounts with connection type AWS_CLOUDWATCH. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
CISCO MERAKIList of all service accounts with connection type CISCO MERAKI. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
SILVERPEAKList of all service accounts with connection type SILVERPEAK. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
VIPTELAList of all service accounts with connection type VIPTELA. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects
AZURE_APIList of all service accounts with connection type AZURE_API. The service account objects are with the same structure as for TELNETArray of objects

POST /api/v2/dataCollector/serviceAccount/


Create a new or edit an existing service account.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes

Body Parameters

jsonBodyService account details. The format is JSON similar to the results from the Get method.StringYes

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <SITE-ID> & <API-TOKEN> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/dataCollector/serviceAccount/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>' \
--data '[
"action": "PUT",
"orgId": "<ORG-ID>",
"siteId": "<SITE-ID>",
"url": null,
"accountType": "WINDOWS",
"connector": "WINDOWS",
"serviceAccount": "QA-WINDOWS-a-FS3-YH",
"credential": [{
"username": "administrator",
"password": "testYanaAPI",
"enablePassword": true,
"ports": [


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with the following body:

dataA message to update service account configuration has been sent successfullyString